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Can Air Conditioning Cause Sore Throat?

The average person today spends much of their time indoors, breathing recirculated air processed by an air conditioning system. Problems with indoor air quality can thus contribute to health issues such as a sore throat. There are many factors involving air conditioning that could cause sore throat, ranging from bad ac installation to the temperature of your house. In this article, we will discuss a few of the factors that may be contributing to your sore throat. Some of these issues can be easily addressed by anyone at home, while others require the services of an HVAC maintenance professional. Read on to discover how an air conditioner could be contributing to your sore throat and learn what you can do about it.

Cause: Poor AC Installation

A poorly installed air conditioning unit may not be circulating air effectively throughout your home. This causes lots of dust to accumulate and attracts dust mites, degrading indoor air quality and causing allergies to flare up. Poor installation could also contribute to other respiratory conditions and even foster ideal conditions for the propagation of viral infections. This is yet another reason to hire a highly experienced professional to install your air conditioning unit properly. Cutting corners on installation can lead to poor indoor air quality, with all the health issues this can bring. Call a professional hvac contractor to ensure your unit is properly installed.

Cause: Not enough maintenance

Routine maintenance is essential to the health of your HVAC system and the quality of your indoor air. Have your air conditioning unit serviced twice a year to maintain its functioning at peak performance. Anything that is not cleaned regularly and maintained properly will degrade over time. Poor ac maintenance can lead to more than just sore throats; it can wreak havoc on your home's hvac system.

Cause: Dirty Air Filters

A dirty filter is one of the most common culprits for a sore throat caused by air conditioning. The filter can collect dust, pollen, pet dander, and other airborne pollutants, which can then lead to throat irritation, dryness, and soreness. It is crucial to regularly clean your air filters and air ducts so that dirt, allergens, and other contaminants will not be trapped in your home's stagnant air. Dirty air filters should be cleaned and replaced on a regular basis, so it is best to add this to your home's cleaning schedule so you don't forget. Make sure to clean and replace your filter at least every three months - and if you have any other respiratory conditions, do this even more frequently.

Cause: Cracked or broken ductwork

Even the smallest cracks can create places for dust and debris to settle, making the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, which may make your house seem dustier than normal. Mold thrives in damp, warm vents, so it’s important to keep an eye out for signs of growth. Duct sealing and repair reduce the amount of dirty air circulating in your home’s air and prevent respiratory irritation and discomfort.


Cause: The temperature is too cold

Air that is cold and dry can have adverse effects, particularly for those who suffer from allergies, coughing, and sore throat, especially for those with asthma. A way to combat this is to run your AC system with the vent control open to maintain the ideal temperature in each room without having to run the air conditioner constantly. Use fans and windows to further control the temperature in different parts of your home without having to lower the ac thermostat too much. Constant cold air is one of the simpler reasons you might be having sore throats, so this simple solution can save you money on energy while improving your symptoms.

Cause: High or Low Humidity

Humidity from the air can affect a sore throat. The comfortable humidity range for most people is 30%-60%, while your house should be at 30%-50%. Levels high or lower than this can cause problems or worsen them. High humidity can cause discomfort, as well as problems like mold and mildew growth, which can cause irritation. Air conditioners and dehumidifiers lower the humidity in the air. Dry air can cause a sore throat, bother your lungs, and cause other symptoms like a nosebleed. Running your air conditioner with the vent control open or opening your windows can raise the humidity in your home, along with using a humidifier if needed.

Here's what you can do

Many of the problems above can be solved with maintenance, so don't wait any longer. Contact Comfort Air Heating and Cooling now at 813 413-1726 to schedule your annual maintenance. Comfort Air's qualified, experienced HVAC technicians will perform maintenance on your HVAC system. We are Rheem Pro Partners and we pride ourselves on providing customers with the best HVAC services.

Cause: High or Low Humidity

There are many other factors that could cause a sore throat, so discuss your symptoms with your doctor.

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5017 W Rio Vista Ave, Tampa, FL 33634
Licensed & Insured / CAC 1819994.
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813 413-1726

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